Language school

اخبار آیلتس پاپ
فروشگاه کتاب های زبان انگلیسی

Speaking en

The speaking test is the same for both IELTS academic and IELTS general training and it always involves a face-to-face interview with a certified IELTS examiner. It includes 3 parts which takes 11–14 minutes. The speaking section assesses your use of spoken English. Every test is recorded.
Part 1 – Introduction and interview
In this part, the examiner introduces him/herself and checks the test takers’ identity. They then ask the test takers general questions on some familiar topics such as home, family, work, studies and interests. Part 1 lasts 4–5 minutes.
Part 2 – Long turn
Part 2 is the individual long turn. The examiner gives the test takers a cue card which asks the test takers to talk about a particular topic, includes points to cover in their talk and instructs the test takers to explain one aspect of the topic. Test takers are given one minute to prepare their talk, and are given a pencil and paper to make notes. The examiner asks the test takers to talk for 1 to 2 minutes, stops the test takers after 2 minutes, and asks one or two questions on the same topic. Part 2 lasts 3–4 minutes, including the preparation time.
Part 3 – Discussion
In Part 3, the examiner and the test takers discuss issues related to the topic in Part 2 in a more general and abstract way and, where appropriate, in greater depth. Part 3 lasts 4–5 minutes.

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