Language school

اخبار آیلتس پاپ
فروشگاه کتاب های زبان انگلیسی

 Lesson 14   Academic English

Before you begin writing a paper, it’s a good idea to make an outline (a list of points in an organized order) of the main points you plan to present. The next step is to gather evidence to support your claims, since your work won’t be credible if you propose a theory (or try to challenge or refute a theory

argue against an existing theory) without some proof.

If your paper is going to touch on several issues (talk about several topics) then you’ll need to be especially organized. You can draw a distinction between topics that are different, or draw parallels between examples that are similar. Another way to organize your ideas is to show how they fall into different categories.

After making your outline and gathering the supporting evidence you’ll use to make your case (present your argument), you can write a first draft (first version of the paper) in which you go into detail on the topic. Then, you revise the paper (make improvements to it) until finishing with the final draft.

Let’s say you’re carrying out a study on market trends in developing countries. You can analyze the key factors (important factors) that are influencing the economy, showing how local politics play a role/part (have an effect) in shaping the country’s financial future. Including some specific items that are perfect examples and clear illustrations of your ideas will help prove your points.

At the end of your paper, you should briefly summarize the material you presented and draw conclusions based on your research. The end of the article is also a good place to raise      questions (present questions) for further study.

Lesson 14 Study

1. Christine has been a ……………………school teacher for many years.
a) central                   b) medium                  c) middle
2. Could you give me some ………………………. on my presentation? I’d like to know how to improve it.
a) degree                   b) concentration        c) feedback
3. He’s ………………….to all the best universities in the country.

a) applying                b) submitting              c) trying
4. I think I got every question on the exam wrong – I have no doubt that I………………….
a) dropped                b) failed                       c) lost
5. I’m …………………..a course on Latin American politics.
a) having                   b) taking                     c) going
6. My daughter’s 12 – she’s in sixth…………………..
a) class                      b) grade                       c) level
7. My father promised he’d buy me a car if I ………………good grades in my final year of high school.
a) got                         b) made                        c) took
8. No, my son hasn’t chosen a ………………….yet. He’s debating between sociology and anthropology.
a) degree                   b) major                       c) series
9. She …………………….from the University of California in 1999.

a) awarded                b) formed                    c) graduated
10. The professor took ten points off my test because I …………………..a few minutes late.
a) handed it in           b) gave it up               c) passed it
11. The top five students in the class were …………………….a scholarship to a local college.
a) awarded                b) submitted               c) withdrawn
12. This topic will be on the test – make sure to take detailed……………………

a) lectures                  b) notes                      c) writings

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